LGV Driver Medicals
We offer Driver’s LGV medicals for both new drivers who are looking to gain their provisional driving licence and existing drivers who are renewing their licence, at our office in Billingham.
All medicals are completed by an independent doctor.
LGV Driver Medicals Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Where can I get a DVLA D4 Driver Medical Form from?
Answer: Our doctor carries copies of the D4 medical form with him, so you don’t have to bring one to your medical with us.
However if you do need to get a form you can:
- Print a copy here
Question: What happens during a driver medical assessment?
Answer: The doctor will examine you in accordance with the requirements of the relevant D4 Medical Form. During the medical the Doctor will:
- Measure your blood pressure
- Perform eyetest
- List on the D4 Form any medication you’re currently taking
- Ask about your previous medical history (these questions are on the form and are compulsary).
Once the medical is completed you post the form to the DVLA and they decide whether to renew your driving entitlements. If there is a reason why you shouldn’t be renewed the doctor will let you know at the time.
Question: How long does a medical take?
Answer: Approximately 20 minutes but if your medical history is complicated expect it to take longer.
Question: Does the Medical include an eye test?
Answer: Yes, it does. If you do where contact lenses when driving please do not wear them for your medical examination.
Question: How far in advance do I need to book a driver medical?
Answer: We always try to see drivers quickly and at times to suit you so there is no need to take time off work. Call our office number 01642 345623 or e-mail train@rtplimited.co.uk and we will be able to offer you a range of appointments.
Question: Is there anything that I need to bring to my appointment?
Answer: Below is a list of the six items you will need to bring to the doctor for your driver medical assessment:
- ID, either Driving Licence or Passport;
- Your driving glasses if required (do not wear contact lenses as these will have to be removed for the eye test);
- A list of all your current medication or bring all the medication boxes;
- Any hospital letters or details of hospital consultants who are treating you;
- D2 provisional licence application (if applicable)
- D4 medical form
The medical form requires medical information from you in detail so please bring as much information as possible if the form is to be completed.
Question: Once I’ve sent the form off how long before I get my updated licence back?
Answer: You should expect to get your licence within 3 weeks.
Please contact us for latest prices and available dates.